Beyond ERP: How Logility Extends the Value of Supply Chain Planning by Supporting the Entire Enterprise


It’s no longer enough to depend on an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to navigate the complexities of today’s disrupted global economy. You need a supply chain platform that can connect planning and execution to strategic outcomes across your entire enterprise in ways that ERP systems simply aren’t designed for.

The enduring challenges of just-in-time manufacturing, burgeoning inventory costs, and the complexities and ethics of sourcing remain major considerations for supply chain executives; these challenges are compounded by the need to collaborate beyond the enterprise with vendors, suppliers and even customers – something that ERP systems were never designed to support.

In this report, writer Josh Greenbaum, founder of Enterprise Applications Consulting, addresses the limitations of ERP systems for supporting the dynamic needs of businesses today, and the importance of a supply chain solution that can provide the intelligence and collaboration necessary to maximize value for all stakeholders.

Interviews with Logility customers also reveal how their use of the Logility® Digital Supply Chain Platform created a collaborative environment across traditional enterprise silos and beyond, helping them to successfully navigate the pandemic and thrive despite the challenges of 2020.

“If we are collaborating with [our suppliers] we get more insight, and they’re giving us better signals so we can better plan our production. We’re able to treat them the way we treat our customers.”
Angie Taylor, VP and Chief Commercial Officer, Plastic Packaging Technologies, LLC.

“We proved that ERP is a static tool.”
Elaine Videau, Director of Planning, Tillamook County Creamery Association

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