Say goodbye to backorders and hello to better margins and happy customers.
Planners for spare parts and MRO supply chains face a difficult balancing act: meet strict service level agreements and overcome disruptions while controlling costs. With Logility’s prescriptive planning you can eliminate stockouts and delays with strategic inventory replenishment at distributors, retailers, and service centers. Get ready to increase forecast accuracy while optimizing inventory segmentation and stocking strategies – with data-driven confidence.
Ready to talk Spare Parts?
Let’s talkGain global visibility
Easily formulate and revise plans based on real-time demand signals and inventory.
Improve forecasting accuracy
Quickly combine product groups through multi-level demand aggregation.
Simplify life cycle planning
Get a handle on product variables, constant substitutions and other industry frustrations.
Leverage advanced analytics
Measure, monitor and notify you of key supply chain issues. Stay aware of changes in an ever-changing market.
The future of supply chain technology for the service parts industry is available now.
Logility’s solutions include enhanced functionality that specifically addresses aftermarket business challenges — from demand planning and new product introductions (NPIs), to sourcing materials and manufacturing planning.
Optimize Distribution
Tap into Logility’s support for centralized and local distribution operations. You can maximize cost savings across an inter-dependent network, easily balancing customer service policies and inventory management goals.
Simplify VMI
Leverage collaboration with Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) programs to automatically implement customers’ agreed upon reorder points and stocking levels as well as recommended daily stock orders and stock locations.
Easily Manage Huge SKU Portfolios
Optimize both fast- and slow-moving parts by automatically applying multi-dimensional stock policies based on ABC codes, costs and more. Logility also supports dynamic product supersessions and/or revisions.
Integrated Business Planning
Leverage Logility’s proven optimization capabilities, rich visualization, powerful multi-scenario analysis and collaborative workflows to ensure your resources and investments are deployed effectively.
Refine Inventory Management and Replenishment
Categorize inventory investments based on margin contribution within specific global markets. Using built-in inventory simulations, you can synchronize your inventory investments with service-level goals.