Strategic Outcomes
Improve speed to market and supply chain responsiveness. Logility empowers the connected enterprise, allowing companies to disseminate information to optimize product lead time and distribution, maximizing company revenue and profit.
Monitor trends
Track current consumer selling trends and ensure your most popular products are quickly delivered to those who want to buy them.
Collaborate in real time
Collaborate across the globe, with visibility into your purchase orders, material commitments and inbound shipments.
Improve cash flow and cost management
Reduce expenses, optimize inventory, tighten up resources.
Enable a demand-driven supply chain
Configurable and user-friendly, vendor management enables the speed and responsiveness for today’s demand-driven supply chain.
Extend production and logistics information to all members of the global supply chain, including retailers, brands, vendors, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, agents, brokers, carriers and freight forwarders.
Compress purchasing lead times
Position raw materials for planned production cycles or series.
Improve order fulfillment rates
Balance production capacity and product demand.
Shrink markdowns and closeouts
Apply “postponement” techniques to adjust WIP inventories.
Cut unexpected airfreight expenses
Ensure on-time deliveries from global production facilities.
Reduce product defects
Manage on-site quality audits and make corrections based on the results.