Success story

Alspec’s Optimized Forecast Journey with Logility

With Logility, Alspec streamlined its operations, reduced errors, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

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Increased Business Growth

More accurate forecasting, enabling Alspec® to capitalize on market opportunities.

Precise Delivery Scheduling

Weekly forecast dates reduced lead times and optimized inventory.

Enhanced Collaboration & Visibility

Facilitated better decision-making and alignment across departments.

Increased Business Growth

More accurate forecasting, enabling Alspec® to capitalize on market opportunities.

Precise Delivery Scheduling

Weekly forecast dates reduced lead times and optimized inventory.

Enhanced Collaboration & Visibility

Facilitated better decision-making and alignment across departments.


Alspec is an Australian-owned company with over 50 years of experience, specializing in providing architects, fabricators, builders, and renovators with a comprehensive range of aluminum systems and products for various applications.

Alspec faced significant challenges in forecasting accuracy and operational efficiency, primarily due to manual processes and a lack of suitable tools. The company’s growth and increasing SKU count exacerbated these issues, leading to inefficiencies and errors in planning and execution.

Motivated by the implementation of a new ERP system and the need for improved forecasting capabilities, Alspec sought a software solution to address their challenges. After a thorough evaluation, they identified Logility Demand Planning as the solution of choice due to its advanced forecasting capabilities and suitability for their evolving needs.

Improved forecast accuracy

Alspec needed to improve their forecasts for better planning and resource allocation.

Overcome inefficient processes

Manual processes and a lack of suitable tools couldn't support Alspec growth and increasing SKU count.

Ensure data integrity

Alspec wanted to remove manual data handling to reduce errors.


Alspec initially implemented the Logility platform with the guidance of consultants, who provided valuable insights into forecasting methodologies and data management. As the company grew and transitioned to a SaaS environment, Logility continued to meet its needs, offering improved technology and automated processes. Close collaboration between Alspec and the DMS consultant ensured a smooth implementation process, despite some data restrictions that required leveraging additional functionality within the software.



Supply Planning and Optimization


The implementation of Logility brought about significant benefits for Alspec:

• Accurate dates for purchase and production requirements, facilitating better planning and resource allocation.
• Weekly forecast dates enabled precise scheduling of deliveries, reducing lead times and optimizing inventory management.
• Drastic reduction in errors and manual handling of data, resulting in improved data integrity and reliability.
• Enhanced collaboration and visibility within the company, leading to better decision-making and alignment across departments.
• Improved ability to react to industry changes and adapt forecasts accordingly, driving agility and competitiveness.
• Increased business growth facilitated by more accurate forecasting, enabling Alspec to capitalize on market opportunities and expand its operations.
• Flexibility in handling data and achieving desired results, empowering Alspec to customize forecasts and analyses to suit their specific needs.

The implementation of Logility has transformed Alspec’s forecasting accuracy and operational efficiency, enabling it to overcome challenges and achieve sustained growth. By leveraging advanced technology and collaborating closely with consultants, Alspec has streamlined its operations, reduced errors, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. Moving forward, Alspec remains committed to leveraging Logility to drive further improvements and maintain its position as a leader in the industry.

Implementing Logility has revolutionised our forecasting and
operational processes. We now have the accuracy and visibility we
need to make informed decisions and drive our business forward.