Explainer Video

Gaming Simulation for Network Optimization

Witness the Power of Dynamic Network Optimization

What if you could dynamically make changes to a model and re-optimize your network based on those changes, using market-driven data?

Logility’s gaming simulation provides an alternative to time-consuming, engineer-focused supply chain software. By utilizing dynamic optimization for visual modeling, it accelerates decision-making for supply chain leaders. Logility’s gaming simulation uses a business rules engine that can automatically answer questions like:

  • Will choosing one supplier over another be less or more costly?
  • How will tariffs change if I choose a different supplier?
  • What happens if I move a distribution center or set a capacity constraint?

Uncover the answers to these questions in this quick video.

Read Gaming Simulation for the Supply Chain a Game-Changer!

Gaming simulation for the supply chain finds the optimum flow of product through the supply chain from demand to supply nodes.

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