Explainer Video
Evaluating 3PL – Does it Fit with your Strategy?
Looking at the Bigger Picture – Finding the Best Approach when Selecting a 3PL
When choosing Third Party Logistics providers (3PLs) it’s important to consider the bigger picture and ensure they align with your supply chain strategy. With a comprehensive network study, you can identify the best modes of transportation, sites, and ports of entry, for example.
It may be surprising, but the most optimum is not always a point; it can be an entire area. This video is a case study that can help you determine a few key terms to consider when selecting a 3PL:
- Qualitative Considerations
- Customer Service Time and Risk
- Total Landed Costs
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to save *10-20% in operational costs with Logility’s Network Optimization. Learn more in the video
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